Monday, December 17, 2007

Election Time!

The ROK will have their next presidential election this Wednesday! They have 12 dumbasses to choose from compared to our 2 or 3.

Knowing nothing of his politics, 전관 (Jeon Gwan) was my immediate favorite due to his friendly, likable appearance that subtly suggests global domination. I later found out that he's a war vet, and that's an old battered army helmet, not a globe.

Oh how everything changed when I found out about No. 8, 허경영 (Heo Gyeong yeong). A true visionary. A few translated excepts from a recent interview:

Like a light from the east, I have appeared for this era, and since I can see the future, I have planned my Internet strategy way back in the past. With my 430 IQ, I can also control the spiritual domain.

I have also read 35 religious scriptures from several religions, and concluded that they have no value. The religions have prepared for my coming and I’m the one who will complete them.

He also controls his political party with his spiritual abilities and plans on moving the UN headquarters to 판문점 (Panmunjeom), the small village that exists on the DMZ border.

And then there's this guy, 이명박 (Ee Myeong Bak), who's favored to win. He kind of looks like someone I knew in high school. He's surrounded in a huge financial cover-up scandal. You can kind of read about it here, but not really. We'll see what happens.

Afro in Daegu

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Monday, November 26, 2007

Music for One Apartment and Six Drummers

Man I love that stache. I've gotta give a shout out to the fellas at sounds and pictures for first exposing me to this awesomeness.

hither and thither


A typical class

High Rollers

경주 (Gyeong Ju)-city of burial mounds and other ancient wonders

이상진 (Ee Sang Jin)-My co-teacher/caretaker/older brother-father figure/good friend

Monday, November 12, 2007


갓바위 (Gatbawi) is a hand carved Buddha dating back to the seventh century. A sole monk chiseled away at it by himself to cope with the pain and to appease the soul of his recently deceased mother. Legend has it that all of those who visit and pray from the bottom of their hearts will have their prayers answered. Needless to say, there were many parents this weekend praying that their children do well on exams and get into a good university.

Monday, November 5, 2007

What a Wonderful World

I really enjoy living here. By and by, I'm treated very well. I'm not gonna piss and moan about things that I think are wrong, especially when there are ten times as many bad things happening back home. But this is really strange. They just don't know.

Friday, November 2, 2007

When in Rome

(이사진은 크리스로)

Friday, October 26, 2007

deviating a bit

To make a long story short..........There was a pedophile foreign English teacher in Korea. He recently got busted by Interpol when fleeing to Thailand. To retort, the Korean ministry of Education decreed that all foreign English teachers working in Korea's public and private schools could potentially be pederasts and/or frauds, so they must verify that they are legitimate college graduates from a legitamite university........oh, but they already did this when we were hired, right? Right. Could they be any more insulting? What do I think?

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Another weekend, another temple and mountain. Our roughly 6 hour trek concluded with a delicious goose feast. A monk gave us Hershey's kisses on the bus.....that made my day.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Monday, October 8, 2007

Thursday, October 4, 2007


Yesterday was spent pouncing around Ap Mountain.

My fierce companions intimidated even the mountain itself.

O'er yonder lies the heart of gold.

lost in translation


Thursday, September 20, 2007

Long time, no post.....

I finally got to go to a Korean traditional music concert. I'm not sure which instrument I want to try to learn first.

Last week we had a 'sports day' at my school. The students race each other and play games and such. This was the morning warm-up. There was no way to fit all of the students in one photo.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

wayfaring stranger

I finally got a couple decent photos from my roof, just as I'm about to bid farewell to Nongong.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Rest assured ladies........

In England they have the Yorkie chocolate bar. It's not for girls, please don't feed the birds, not allowed in handbags, etc.......

To counter, Korea has Choco Thin Thin cookies (pronounced Cho Ko Teen Teen).
"Slim style chocolate for girls.
The smile will make happy and joyful time."

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Begum Do, Hooksan Do, Hong Do......

For my brief vacation, my buddy Chris and I voyaged around the southwestern Korean coast and visited several islands. And of course my best photos are of Chris taking photos.

Playing badminton without a net is a Korean national pastime